Why I Admire Emmy Elliott


What is it about Emmy Elliott that I find so fascinating? Well, first of all, she is one of my all time favorite celebrities. Not only is she a great personality on her TV shows, but she has also managed to maintain some of her personal relationships with other people while keeping a strong and respected reputation in the entertainment industry as a producer/writer/actor. Additionally, she has also managed to reinvent herself over again, playing different roles, as an actress, director/writer, and singer. Her new and very popular show “Young Geniuses: The Earliest Stars” on Showtime is an interesting look at what a young woman’s life can be like after being raised among the best and brightest from the time she was a little girl.

What is it about the woman known as Emmy that I find so fascinating? Well, besides her lovely facial features, I also find her to be very loving and understanding of her fans, and appreciative of their opinions. When I saw the trailer for “Young Geniuses: The Earliest Stars” I was surprised by the portrayal of this character. It was very refreshing to see an older woman who still had a lot of energy and enthusiasm, even as she was aging. I also like the fact that she has managed to reinvent herself over again and remain relevant in the industry even as she ages.

It is very important for actresses, writers, and other professionals of the entertainment industry to always remain relevant, because no matter how old you get you have to keep your options open. If you are able to reinvent yourself, and play the character of someone who is still fun and interesting to watch today, then you should do it. However, it is also important to remember that if you become too irrelevant in your career it can eventually catch up with you, and rob you of any chances you might have of future success. Keeping your options open and making sure to take advantage of them when they come about is definitely the way to go.
