Why Does Clare Huddleston Have Taller Perceptions?


Clare Huddleston is an actress with the capacity to enchant both male and female viewers with her performances. Most notable is her two-year stint as an FBI agent in television’s Miami Vice. Her character, Dana Younger, was one of the first to be introduced as an FBI agent in a television programme and her role has continued to receive critical acclaim ever since. Huddleston’s popularity came about because of the show’s portrayal of an intelligent, ambitious and capable female FBI agent who was also smart, perceptive and able to make split second decisions under extremely stressful circumstances.

Since moving to Hollywood, where her acting abilities started to develop, Clare has landed many films in which she has played characters of varying heights. In one notable film, she played the character of Bridget Sullivan, who was a sexy and attractive secretary to President Richard Nixon. Her height difference has been portrayed as such onscreen in this film that viewers were left wondering if she was playing the same character back in the 40s as it had been mentioned in the novel. Her height difference did not affect her professional level as her contribution to the team of FBI agents was commendable.

For those of us who are aware of the fact that the height difference can affect a career path and personal life choices, we would all agree that Huddleston’s height difference is probably no real handicap as she has chosen to work in the film industry. After all, she has been an actress for over 30 years and her acting skills are therefore already in place. This is not to say however that her height will deter her from achieving a successful career in her chosen profession. Her best chance at making it in movies would be if she were to develop some of her talents which have been showcased on screen. Perhaps, one day, we shall see her acting roles in feature films directed by her former co-workers, Mel Gibson and Steven Spielberg.
