Why Choose SIMMs Wading Boots?


Why Choose SIMMs Wading Boots?

SIMMs Wading Boots is a brand of footwear produced by North Face. These boots were originally designed for the Navy specifically, but have been used by several other people including high-performance athletes and swimmers. As a result of their innovative design, the shoes are very sturdy, lightweight and flexible while being highly resistant to water. They were originally intended as a “water shoe” to be worn by swimmers and have since expanded their use to the general public. This article discusses their features, and how they compare to conventional waterproof boots.

The boots feature a patented interchangeable sole system which allows for a wide range of motion for an extremely comfortable ride. To prevent water from getting into the soles, SIMMs made a very clever design decision – they use a specially designed inner sock liner which is not visible from the outside. This enables the soles to remain solid even though there is wetness underneath, which means that your feet will stay relatively dry. As a result, SIMMs wader boots have become some of the most popular wader boots on the market.

One of the most important aspects of any pair of boots or shoes is the level of traction that they provide. SIMMs have implemented a unique double-layer composite of materials called RAM, which allows for a tremendous amount of traction on both the soles and the fronts of the boots. This is in direct opposition to many other brands of flyweight wader boots which tend to offer only a single layer of traction. We found that the large amounts of rubber on the soles combined with the large area of overlapping rubber on the front gave us excellent traction and meant that we could walk and hike across shallow lagoons and rivers much more easily than we would have without these boots.
