Who Sets Fashion Trends?


Who Sets Fashion Trends?

The question of the day is “Who Sets Fashion Trends?” In this article we will try to figure out this very question by using a modern example, i.e. what is in fashion right now. In doing so we hope to provide some insight into what really makes certain clothes look “cool” and other clothes not so cool.

The first thing we need to think about is the amount of time people in fashionable countries spend in their clothing. If they are spending hours in front of the television then obviously their taste for fashion trends would also be very different from someone who spends their time in a more modest country. The next thing to consider is that many of the clothing manufacturers produce mostly low quality goods and so the clothes that sell are usually not very stylish. The problem here is not really with the clothing companies themselves but rather with the consumer.

When we examine this problem from a different angle, we can see that it actually has very little to do with the company manufacturing the products at all, but everything with the consumer who purchases them. If you walk around any department store or even your local shopping mall at least once a week you will see numerous items that are in fashion and on the clearance racks. Now granted, these items may be a bit more expensive than the brands they are emulating but what kind of sense does it make to wear something that is on clearance rack and possibly only because of the way it looks? This is why fashion magazines are so important when you want to know who is set to wear something new.
