Who is That Asian Woman on the Top of All the Fashion Stiles?


One of the most popular and controversial members of Team Rubi is Tiffany Lusteg, known for her large height, Russian origin and numerous sexual conquests. When Rubi and partner Ruben is first introduced in the movie, it’s instantly obvious that Rubi is the taller of the two, with the accent on the ‘u’. However, when we take a look at Tiffany’s Nationality records we see that she really does stand 6 foot 5 inches tall which puts her firmly in the ranks of the shortest ever American model but also means that she has far more national pride than Rubi, who is only listed as being 6 feet 2 inches.

It is quite clear from the way Rubi and Tiffany’s clothes are designed that Rubi is predominantly European (Scandinavian in origin perhaps) while Tiffany is predominantly Eastern. In another scene in the film Rubi’s partner can be seen wearing a red silk blouse and blazer that are far more fitted for an Asian woman than for an American woman, which is likely because the model is wearing a dress made in China. There are plenty of similar dresses worn by both models but one thing that they definitely do have in common is their large height. It is impossible to take the argument that Rubi is not as good looking as Tiffany, because in the films she stands almost two inches taller and in real life she has very firm and well defined cheekbones and shoulders, something that most women with modest heights are not afforded.

It is clear that Rubi and Tiffany are the opposites of each other, with Rubi looking on the lean side to Tiffany has put on some serious weight. The difference between them is that Rubi’s weight gain has probably had the effect of giving her a svelte figure to Tiffany’s gain has given her more body confidence. Rubi’s husband, played by Michael Gambon, tries to help her lose weight by suggesting that she try to exercise more frequently and eat less fattening foods. However after hearing how great Tiffany is at cooking for her husband he just leaves it up to her to get the job done.
