Who Determines Fashion Trends?


The answer to the question of who determines fashion trends may surprise many people. I was watching the runway shows one afternoon and the host was talking about how important the lips of the models were in setting the trends of the day. In fact he was saying that it was as important, if not more important that what they wore underneath their clothing. There was a lot of discussion about how important the lips of the models were, and in fact there were some women who were upset at the fact that they were not wearing lipstick. One could only imagine what type of lipstick these fashion models were wearing under their heavy makeup, but I thought it was pretty funny because it really showed the total lack of understanding on the part of some people when they set the standards for what is “in” this season or that season.

So, who determines fashion trends? Fashion has to be influenced by the masses, which is why we have all these fashion magazines and catalogs. It’s the same reason why high school and college kids are spending billions of dollars every year on different make-up brands and types. This is all in an effort to be the most attractive and attention grabbing person possible in hopes of attracting the most attention, which will eventually lead to them being picked as a star in the making.

Back, in the early 20th century when women wore long skirts and dresses with very little under makeup we also noticed that celebrities were the ones who were the most popular. Because the celebrities were the most fashionable people in the world at the time, women would look at their model’s eyebrows when they were doing magazine covers and other photos. Today, with more makeup artists becoming famous overnight we are seeing more celebrity make up artists getting the recognition they deserve. Some of these include Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, and Madonna who all have their own make up lines and are consistently being cast as the perfect beauty in movies and television shows right now.
