Where Is Violeta Ars?”


There was an interesting exchange in the headlines of an English newspaper today, “Violeta Ars, Russian national: 35, dating.” She is a 35-year-old woman from Moldova, Ukraine who has been married three times to different men. The question on everyone’s lips was, where did she get those tallish nationalities?

Well, there are lots of nationalities in Moldova and some of them have very interesting names, like Razvan, Roman, Aleksandar, Olekandar, and even Lazarek. It would be very difficult for a 35-year-old woman to change her name to Violeta, unless she had family living in Moldova or in Russia, as she would not have much time to change her nationality. But, her parents are originally from Moldova and they would have had to get it legally changed, which is not easy. So, how did Violeta obtain such nationalities? Is she a Russian spy?

Well, in an article in Izvestia (the Russian newspaper) in January, 2021, Violeta Ars claimed that her mother told her that her mother was born in Belgrade, Serbia, and that she was a Bosnian. Later on she said that her passport was stolen in Germany, but when her partner found it, he thought it was from her mother…which probably isn’t true as there is no proof that she had a passport from Belgrade. Violeta still hasn’t confirmed whether or not she has any Russian citizenship. Her partner says that she hasn’t been able to get a Russian visa despite having applied for one, and that she can’t even write his name on the Russian identification documents that would be required to get a Russian visa.
