Where Does Clare Kim Come From?


Clare Kim, a British National, is known to be a tall and accomplished woman who has gained much respect from all over the world for her successful and daring attempts in climbing to the top of Mount Everest. She is an active member of the British Parliament and also serves as a member of the Cabinet of Theresa May, the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The truth of the matter however, is that even though she has managed to scale such a huge height, she still remains a mere midget despite being just a mere hundred and twenty-two centimeter tall.

As a matter of fact, it is very rare for even the shortest women to be part of the highest echelons of any government or even political profession in the UK and it is a sad state of affairs for the nation that she is suffering such a handicap. As a matter of fact, she is not even a full-blown woman yet but she has managed to become one through the years. The question here is: where does she get such a tall figure from? We all know that being tall and slim are not mutually exclusive traits. It is possible that she got her extra inches from her parents who were tall but was somehow encouraged to pursue her career in politics despite her physical shortcomings.

Another interesting question is: how old is she really? The answer to this question is: she is not an old woman at all! As a matter of fact, she looks younger than her years, which perhaps is the reason why she was never able to take advantage of the wonderful height offered by her birth country. The good thing about the fact that she has a very fit body is that she has managed to live up to her entire potential in both her personal and professional life. Her bold decisions in career and love life have earned her a lot of appreciation both in Britain and throughout the world. In fact, she is currently under a contract to write books for a very popular publishing house based in New York City.
