Where Did Socks Come From?


Where Did Socks Come From?

If you ask people where doing socks originate, you will most likely hear that it was the result of a blunder by some smart guy with no idea of what he was doing. When were socks invented? This is the question that many children, as well as adults, ask when they are trying to find out more about the history of an item. Socks have a storied history that can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt. The discovery of wool fibers would spark the start of what we know as sock making.

The Romans eventually developed mens socks. This would eventually become known as pull-on socks. During this time, people were creating shoes, belts and gloves from wool socks. When were socks invented was the beginning of men’s fashion apparel, and it has continued to evolve until this day.

Socks come in a variety of different fabrics, including cotton, polyester, silk and nylon. Some fabrics work better for certain climates and weather conditions, while others are better for keeping your feet dry and insulated. Wool is still considered to be one of the best natural materials for socks because it breathes extremely well, keeps your feet warm and is a soft, natural fabric. Other fabrics such as cotton are great when you need a little more warmth and moisture and polyester is great if you want a super lightweight fabric that is very breathable.
