What’s Trending in London Fashion Week?


What’s Trending in London Fashion Week?

Fashion is always changing; if you know what’s trendy then it should not be a hard thing to accomplish. In the beginning of the decade there were a lot of people that believed that 2021 would be the year of the fashion statement and that people would turn out in their bathrobes and do what they had to in order to stand out from the crowd. That wasn’t exactly the case, however, this year we have seen some interesting trends that have come out of London Fashion Week. In fact this has been a good year for fashion in general. We have seen many ups and downs of the fashion industry that we have witnessed during the past year and I can honestly say that the city has really showcased some great fashion.

One trend that has really hit the scene this year is that of the London fog. This type of style has emerged as one of the mainstays of the fashion world and has really created quite a stir amongst people. The fogginess that this style represents is what’s trending fashion here at the moment. For those that are wondering what the fog is then it is actually a pattern of grey that has been strategically sprayed onto certain clothing items. A lot of people have been enjoying the new look and style that this style has brought to the fashion world.

If you’re a big fan of what’s trending in London Fashion Week then you should make it a point to go to this amazing event this year. You will find many other exciting trends as well such as skinny jeans and crochet knit tops but this will definitely be worth making a point out to. You will also find that London is becoming a hub for fashion and that it is now being considered as one of the biggest fashion cities in the world.
