What’s So Great About Natasha Tlagae’s Height And Age Gap Dating Tips?


Natasha Tlagae is an award winning writer with several books to her credit. Her writing is on various topics, most of which deal with the relationships and family. However, when I read one of her books, The Partner’s Guide to African Dating, it was the Height of her African writing career. It was a love story that took place in her native Kenya. The author shows her partner how to find their right mate, by giving them tips about things like body language, eye contact and even how to determine if a woman is trying to seduce you.

She reveals that there is a national interest in finding a perfect mate and that this interest has nothing to do with race or nationality. Instead, it was all about whether or not a person has “commonalities” across nationalities in their hobbies, interests, abilities and even their height and weight. Natasha Tlagae gives you some practical advice on what you should be looking for in a partner. While some of the advice is universal and could have been found in any African community based dating site, such as AA community groups or community newspapers, many of the suggestions and tips come from her own experience. Even though she does talk about how you can eliminate common dating pitfalls, such as height and weight differences, she never promotes race or nationality.

This book is a great resource for a relationship break up because it gives a clear outline of what to look for in a partner. It also gives practical advice on how to communicate with someone new and gives you tips on how to make your first few dates successful. The fact that Natasha Tlagae is American also helps to make the book more authentic because it exposes the cultural differences even among African Americans. This also gives it a wider platform for people of all nationalities to share their experiences. Whether you are dating an American or a Kenyan, you will get useful advice from this informative text.
