What’s Mine! A Book Review


Clare Youngs is a young Australian who has been a contributing writer for many of the world’s top best-selling authors including Donne, whom she worked with at Cader Books in Melbourne, Australia where he was a contributing editor. She has since worked for numerous publishing houses, specializing in romance, science fiction, adult novels, young adult, and urban fantasy. Her books have sold millions of copies worldwide, won multiple awards, and been turned into motion pictures and television series. Clare has an honors degree in creative writing from Deakin University, a master’s degree in publishing from Victoria University, a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Victoria College, a certification in teaching young people from ages twelve to thirty-five from Le Cordon Bleu, and is an avid athlete. If you love reading books about beautiful women, love enjoying romance, and are passionate about helping others, then you will definitely want to check out What’s Mine?

Clare has been happily married to her husband of twenty-nine years, Martin, for eighteen years. While she cherished her career as a writer, Martin has always been appreciative of her efforts as a mother, wife, and friend. Clare has managed to balance her publishing career with raising a family, traveling the world, playing golf, and being a good friend and wonderful aunt to her family. Her love of children and motherhood has always been her strongest attribute.

What’s Mine! by Clare Youngs will be published in May, 2010. Her debut novel will be distributed by Doubleday/St Martin, a division of Random House, Inc. The National Endowment for Literature will distribute the book nationwide through Fairfield Press.
