What Is Your Number, Mom?


One of Nationality’s more endearing characters is Emmy Gee, played by Dawn French in the popular sitcom What Is Your Number? She is a divorcing single mother of eight who has just gotten divorced. When we meet her, she is just desperate to get out and meet some new people. However, she quickly realizes that she does not have much time to pursue her dream because her ex-husband is being a little distant. When her son moves away to college, she has to return to her job as a receptionist at a firm.

As it turns out, Gee’s favorite thing to do in her spare time is to shop, so she decides that she will start looking for a new partner in life. When she meets a rather cute guy named Paul, she decides that they should get married and start a family. The problem is, she doesn’t know what the big deal is about marrying a man who works as a mailman. It takes a lot of effort on the part of Gee to convince her mother and father that she really wants to marry this guy, but after she tells them about how happy she is with her job and how she feels a deep connection to this man, they come around.

What Is Your Number? Although the sitcom itself lasts for only four episodes, it is quite long enough to provide plenty of opportunities for Gee to meet a new love interest, get married, have a baby, and generally pursue all of the things that are important to a woman in her life. Despite the fact that the plot of the show deals with the topic of how young women should act once they reach a certain age, what Is Your Number actually teaches us about how smart and successful women can feel when they are in their professional lives. While the character of Emmy Gee certainly didn’t achieve anything near the success that she is capable of now, at the time of her show’s conception, she was one of the more successful women of her age in nationality.
