What Is The Restaurant With The Vegetarian On The Restaurant Name That Appeared On The Internet?


When looking up “Olivia Amato,” the first thing you see is a picture of an older woman with dark hair and big round eyes. However, this does not give a clear picture as to what the instructor looks like. This is because according to her online profile page, Olivia Amato claims to be a teacher at a nutritional counseling institute. There is even a place for a personal website where one can place their inquires about her qualifications and teaching experience. The only way we could confirm this is by contacting the National Association for Vegetable Nutrition (N ATI) in Virginia Beach, Virginia, to inquire whether she has any credentials.

Besides teaching and working at a nutritional center, we also checked out some of her fitness classes. The website indicated that she is certified in Pilates and has been doing Pilates since the early seventies. Based on this alone, it would appear that the woman in the picture is in her late thirties or early forties. Based on the profile, we assume that she has long, lean arms and a trim waistline. Based on reading about her, it appears that she is naturally pretty but that her face is somewhat defined as a result of her frequent workouts.

Based on the information provided to us, the woman in the online photograph does appear to have a busy lifestyle and is constantly cooking and taking photos of her food. Based on the foods she cooked and the recipes she posted, she is either a fan of quinoa and/or spinach (which is new to us), or she likes to try new foods from time to time. Her favorite meals seem to be salads and quinoa paired with a light, creamy dressing. Based on the menu choices, one could safely say that Olivia Amato loves food!
