What Is the 21st Century’s Best Fashion Trend?


The “Fashion Trend” for the 21st Century is a silhouette. Let’s face it, every guy wants to look cool and hip, and if there are ladies out there that agree with this statement then we have a gold mine in our hands. There are three main styles of fashion trend; the military style trend, the sporty fashion trend, and the casual trend. Each one has its own style, but they all point to a clean cut and well put together look that can last for a long time. So let’s take a minute and break down each style and see what it is like to wear them as well as how they look on a man.

The military style silhouette is all about standing out. It’s all about putting on a shirt and jeans and showing some skin. The key to pulling this off is to go from one end of the spectrum to the other. One end of this style is wearing your shirt billowing out at the front and at the back it’s dressed more conservatively. This style is very comfortable and easy to walk with. A great aspect about this style is the fact that it will never go out of style.

The sporty fashion trend is all about being comfortable and stylish while still staying on trend. It can be worn for almost any occasion, whether formal or informal. You might choose to wear a tee shirt with some sports stripes on it, or perhaps some shorts and a polo shirt. Another great aspect about this fashion is that it can be worn for a casual day out shopping in the city or even taking your kids to the park. Both boys and girls can be dressed up for their little outing. This is an ideal fashion trend for the summer because it’s comfortable and can easily be layered with a nice piece of trousers for a cool look.
