What is Nationality and Height Difference?


Yasmin Diz is an eighteen-year-old American Nationality from Houston, Texas. She is in a relationship with Michael Palmer, who is thirty-three years old and was born and raised in England. The two met at a bar and were invited out to his apartment for dinner. During the course of the evening they had drinks and had some dancing which was initiated by Yasmin. At one point during the evening, Michael went to get a glass of red wine which he enjoyed, but according to her it was not drunk and did not lead to anything else. During the course of the evening, Michael and Yasmin became increasingly drunk and at one point she passed out and fell onto the ground.

Once the paramedics arrived they asked Michael to go to the emergency room. While in the emergency room, the paramedics questioned Michael about his knowledge of Height and Nationality. After spending approximately three hours in the emergency room, Michael was diagnosed with a broken femoral artery and high blood pressure. He is being treated for his injuries and will be staying at the hospital for several more days. After spending three days in the hospital, his condition has improved and he is expected to go home with his partner, Yasmin Diz, on the first of May.

According to Yasmin Diz, she does not believe that the night her partner had sex with Michael was the only time that he had been high. She said that it seemed like it had been a regular event for them, especially because they both admitted to having drinks prior to their date. In fact, she said that in their last few conversations before their separation, Michael had mentioned that he used to visit her house in London once a month or so, but never brought his dates there. One can only speculate as to what may have caused Michael to have such an interest in Nationality and Height difference, but one thing is for sure, it did not stop him from falling in love with Yasmin and becoming the husband that he is meant to be.
