What is it About Natasha Rose?


On the third episode of Orange is the New Black, Natasha Rose (Shonda Rhimes) falls for an older man with a French accent. The chemistry between the two works beautifully, and Rose even end up sleeping with him. This leads to some delicious drama between Rose and her friend, played by Ms. DeGeneres.

As we have seen throughout the seasons, Rose has always dated members of her own ethnicity. In previous episodes, such as “Pampered Virgin,” she has been attracted to Latina women. However, in this episode, Rose seems to be more infatuated with an African American man, even going as far as flirting with him while he films a porn movie with her. It seems as though Natalia may be too young to be interested in black men, but it seems that age only makes her hungrier for more. After seducing her man and getting pregnant with him, Rose returns to her friends to tell them about her new man.

In many ways, Rose has become one of the most popular characters on Orange is the New Black. She is a classic character, and has the unique position of being both an attractive young woman and someone older who has not aged. In many ways, this makes her seem like a perfect candidate for dating an African American man. It would not be too surprising to see any number of young African American women try to find love with older black men. The idea that they would get their hopes up only to find out that they were disappointed or unable to find love is par for the course when it comes to relationships on Orange is the New Black. Nevertheless, it is interesting to see someone of color to join the ranks of old enough white women (in this case, African Americans) who are attracted to older men of the same ethnicity.
