What Is Good About Being Tall?


Age, nationality, and sexual preference are not hard facts when it comes to determining one’s height as Kate Mosse is an example of a person who has used all three to fit her descriptions of herself in the dating profile that she features on a popular dating site. Age, at least from a physical perspective, is really not a factor when discussing a person’s height, unless you want to say that a person with a very long face is going to be on the shorter end of the scale, or that someone with a small nose is going to be on the large end. Sexual preference is a more common fact of life when it comes to choosing a romantic partner, as many people have no trouble choosing a mate based solely on their physical attributes, and do not consider the personality qualities of a person when making a decision about their potential partner. Age, however, can play a role in height comparisons if a person is looking to change their physical appearance, for example by losing weight or gaining some body fat.

Height or your height as Kate Mosse refers to herself is determined through physical factors such as height, build, and muscles. Height is largely hereditary, but does depend a great deal on your genes from your parents as well as how strong your bones are. Build is determined through your posture and muscles; although there are some muscle variations within each specific muscle group, these differences are usually imperceptible to the naked eye unless a person chooses to wear clothing that emphasizes them. Muscle tone, however, can also be affected by age, diet, exercise, stress, and even genetics as research has proven that taller people tend to have more subcutaneous fat under the skin.

Age, or your physical ability to love, is not the only factor in determining your ideal partner when you look at your height, though. Overall health and fitness are just as important to a potential partner as your body type or height is. Do you really want a partner who cannot keep a straight face during intimate moments? Are you comfortable with your partner, being overweight or obese? Is your current partner growing older every year and if so do you think this will impact the success of your relationship?
