What Influences Gen X Fashion?


What Influences Gen X Fashion?

Gen X fashion trends have taken the world by storm. This group of young adults grew up being bombarded with ‘fashion messages’, usually from parents telling them what, how and when they should wear. Gen X women were also growing up with ‘fashion pioneers’ telling them exactly what, how and when they should wear, to encourage them to ‘fly high’. The result, today’s generation of Gen X adults are redefining the way that they approach dressing – and the way that others perceive their personal style.

Gen X fashion trends have come at a great time for young adults. The first generation of Gen X adults grew up with a sense of personal style; parents told them what they should wear and how they should look, so they automatically knew what was fashionable. Gen X men grew up around the same time, so they also developed a keen interest in fashion trends. It seems that fashion has always been an important part of growing up, so Gen X men and women are well placed to influence fashion trends. As we age, we tend to take on the ideas that our parents and other elders pass down to us – these are now becoming known as fashion ‘laws’ and influencing our personal style.

One thing that Gen X’s are concerned about now, is wearing clothes that make them look less ‘juvenile’. There is a real concern for the image of the elderly, which Gen X’s fear may be taking on. They want to look good but are also aware that this may affect their personal style and fashion choices. So they are paying close attention to what they wear and where. It is hoped that the ever increasing popularity of Gen X fashion will also encourage more older Gen X’s to become more involved in the fashion industry.
