What Goes On In Partner Dating?


Erika Medina is the founder of a dating service that is designed for Hispanic and African American singles. She offers an online dating service that has members from throughout the United States, all of whom are African American or Latino in descent. It is called Partner, and there is also a phone service for those who may wish to use this service while on the go. It is not an overbearing service that will force its members to seek partners out before they have been asked to be partners, and it does not ask for ethnic preference or nationality in order to find partners either.

What separates Partner from other similar online dating sites is that it does not use race as a factor in pairing members together based on nationality or national origin. It simply pairs members together on their own merit, as their profiles explain. The program works by browsing profiles and choosing to connect with those who seem to have common interests. Members who do not click through to their partner are sent a message, which explains that they are not compatible matches and that they should try again later.

In addition to the ability to search through profiles and choose to contact those who seem to be a good match, Partner also has an advanced search function that can narrow down the results to provide you with only those people who meet your specific requirements. This makes finding a partner extremely easy, because you know right away what type of person you are looking for, and you can focus all your energy in finding that person. It is important to remember, though, that Partner was not created solely as a way to attract African Americans or Latino Americans, but as a way for anyone to find their partner. There are plenty of sites on the internet that are only designed to attract those specific nationalities, and Partner aims to give its users the best opportunity of finding the partner of their dreams. It is certainly worth checking out.
