What Fashion Trend Started With Queen Victoria


Queen Victoria started what many fashion experts consider to be the first Fashion Trend. Over a century ago, she introduced a new dress code that elevated women to a pedestal of importance. She was responsible for making it alright for women to have the freedom and independence of choosing their own clothing. Without her influence, we would not have seen the huge variety of styles that we do today. When she died, there were no longer any references to the dress code that she once instituted, and this caused many women to shy away from wearing dresses.

There are many theories about what Queen Victoria started what many believe to be the beginning of the fashion trend that we follow today. However, one of the most common theories is that she had an enormous impact on the way men and women wore clothes. Many people believe that her dress sense and fashion sense were so influential that they changed the face of fashion forever. She not only started what many consider to be the first fashion trend but also changed the way that clothing was worn by both men and women.

The story behind what Queen Victoria started, and why she had such a profound impact on fashion, is extremely interesting. Queen Victoria was the last female figure to wear a full length dress in the UK. It was not until she went on her reign that women were allowed to wear long dresses in public. This meant that when she visited different countries around the world, she set the fashion trend that has lasted until today. Without Queen Victoria, we would not be enjoying the choice fashion style that we have today, and the variety of fabrics, styles, colors, and designs that we enjoy today would not be the fad that it is.
