What Drives Giulia Jean?


The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the term “G Giulia Jean” is an Italian supermodel. She has been an extremely popular face in both Italy and France, where she has been modeling since the early nineties. However, her career in the United States was limited until recently, when she appeared on the television show “The Apprentice” with Donald Trump. She then made an appearance on the “season four” of “The Apprentice” last year, which resulted in her getting an appearance on the “aired” finale of the show. In recent times, Giulia Jean has developed a new relationship with Miami businessman Riccardo Scola, and the two are said to be getting along well. This, however, is only the beginning of the different relationship that Giulia has enjoyed in the past year or so.

Her official website states that she is forty-three years old, and that she is married to Antonio Banderas, who is thirty-three years old. Their official relationship date is not established, but they have been seen together in public quite a few times. It should be noted that while both men are tall, their height difference is considerably less than that between Bruce Willis and Robert DeNiro, both of whom are above average height for their respective occupations. However, the fact that they are both well known for being tall also helps explain why Giulia Jean and Banderas are attracted to one another.

For many years, Giulia Jean has maintained a rather low profile, even though she has been married to a well-known and respected businessman for eighteen years, and as a result has achieved considerable fame and fortune in her chosen profession. It is therefore easy to understand why she might feel the need to re-enter the limelight once more. Over the last couple of years, she has appeared in various high profile magazines such as” Town and Country” as well as” Marie Claire” and” Interview” in Europe, as well as “The New York Times” in the United States. If her recent publicity efforts are any indication of what is to come, then Giulia Jean will be conquering the heights very soon!
