What Are The Differences Between What A Race And A Nationality When it Comes to Dating a Television Show Star?


What about Nationality? Emmy Agrama’s character in the first episode of Masters of Sex was a woman who was Hispanic, but went on to date Caucasian men. It was interesting to see someone who fit the stereotypical image of what a minority woman should look like and then go out and choose to date white men. But, it would seem that ethnicity plays no part in her choice of a romantic partner, nor does she have any desires to change her ethnicity from what she is.

Height? Height, Gender? Consider this… In the first episode of Masters of Sex, Emmy Agrama had a rather large bosom which made her appear even larger in her skimpy clothing. During the course of the series, her height has been repeatedly mentioned as an issue for her, yet in each episode she continues to wear revealing clothing regardless of her height. It could be because of her ethnicity or height or perhaps a combination of both, but it seems that the writers of the show do not consider height an important issue when writing about her.

Provestritvism… Another interesting thing I’ve noticed about the writers of the show is their usage of proverbs. In one episode, for instance, after Billy tries to pick up Lati on the street, he says, “You’re a hot dog in the kitchen”. This is a classic example of using a proverb to describe something undesirable. In another episode, after Lati brings a dish to the apartment, Billy says, “You are a dog in the kitchen”. These proverbs reflect an attitude that I find very unfortunate, that is, if someone feels no shame in saying, “You are a dog in the kitchen” then why should someone feel guilty about it when it comes to their personal relationships?
