What Are the Characteristics of an Abusive Relationship?


Love Kate had been a national treasure since her appearance on 60 Minutes II, with her sultry, bold personality and her ability to stand out in a sea of bland beauty. She is now an entrepreneur and the author of a new book – Save the Marriage. I enjoyed reading her story, as it mirrors my own observations about marriage and love.

Love Kate shares that her very tall height, which made her feel young and alive, allowed her to stand out in a crowd, attracting the attention of men. In fact, one of her former co-workers, who is much shorter than she is, once commented to her, “I bet you are having more fun on your own than with me.” This comment made me laugh out loud – because, in all honesty, I have had some real bad days with guys. It is true that many of them could not bring themselves to commit to me, but I did not find myself getting any serious physical contact in most of those days.

What I did learn from Love Kate, is that physical attraction is not everything you need to keep a relationship going. What really gets a guy’s attention and helps to build strong relationships, are emotional bonds. Height can be an issue, but height does not equal personality or charisma – and neither does nationality. So, if you are short, don’t let pride get in the way of connecting with the opposite sex, and if you are tall, do not let the height be a hindrance to love.
