What Are the Benefits and Risks of Angelica Lindsey-Ali?


Age, gender, ethnicity, or Nationality: Age is often used to discount a person’s attractiveness, especially in the African American community. An African American female may be under age 30 (in the absence of other identifiable indicators), and her chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases are increased considerably. Sexually active women over 25 are referred to as ‘senior citizens.’ Usually, the term ‘ethnicity’ is used in association with national origin, though it should not be taken literally. An ethnic group may have varying traits, but the cultural values and practices associated with each ethnic group differ from one another and are relevant in terms of dating and relationship practices.

Gender and ethnicity: The topic of gender selection, especially for Muslim women, is an intricate one, and the use of age is a valid factor in this selection. It makes sense to use caution and seek a doctor’s recommendation before undergoing any medical procedure involving sexual organs, since age is such a factor. Age, too, is not a definitive indicator of a person’s fertility, since many older men and women have children of their own. Female candidates who seek a sperm donation from a male donor at a younger age may experience a delay in fertility onset. But the potential parent(s) should also be considered for consideration, since the age of donor does not necessarily indicate how many children the couple will have.

Partner’s Nationality and Religion: A public health expert shared that while most urologists recommend the use of gender selection, there are some surgeons who do not. A few surgeons do not even offer this option. According to The Village Girl, an online magazine on African American women’s issues, Angelica Lindsey-ali recommends that her clients get their tubes tied as soon as possible after their baby is born. She stressed that a pregnant woman needs to have access to the necessary nutrition and prenatal care, especially since many developing countries suffer from poor nutrition and poor health care. Lindsey-Ali said that her beliefs are influenced by the beliefs of her own ancestors and of the faith she grew up with, which emphasize the importance of love to a young woman’s development and survival.
