What Are Stump Socks?


What Are Stump Socks?

Stump socks also known as cut off socks or cut sock is a type of medical or surgical clothing accessory with a flat end that are designed like socks, generally without a toe. They are normally worn for several reasons, one being the fact that they give the wearer comfort during surgery. They come in different colours such as bright pink, yellow, or blue. It was designed to avoid blood from spattering on the operating room floor or other surgical areas. They help prevent contamination by reducing the chance of bodily fluids splashing onto the operating table.

The main purpose of wearing stump socks is to minimize blood loss to that area that is cut off because the fibers prevent it. It also prevents the fibers from being cut off when the patient moves their limbs after surgery. They are most commonly worn by people who have had limb amputations. This type of clothing or accessories is usually worn over other clothes so that the blood will not trail along the outfit. The fibers in these socks are also beneficial in keeping the patient’s skin from becoming infected by bacteria.

Many doctors recommend that before patients start wearing these types of clothing accessories, they should first talk to their doctor to find out whether they are compatible with their skin and whether or not it will be comfortable for them to wear them. Stump socks also known as cut off socks can either come as wool or cotton. There are both good and bad types of wool. Most of the time when buying wool there are anti-microbeads or other materials that can help reduce the chances of infection to the person wearing the item.
