What Are Body Socks?


Sensory socks, sometimes called “Mind sock” or “Mindflex,” is an innovative, stylish and multi-functional product that provides children with sensory stimulation. This multi-purpose sensory toy, which resembles a large soft bag, helps develop hand-eye coordination and child imagination. It also helps overcome a common fear of getting too close and touching others. The sensory socks help build hand-eye coordination by allowing the child to experience sensations such as hot, cold, sticky, crunchy, wacky, slippery, bouncy, tingly, and much more. Sensory stimulation improves children’s imagination and enhances their ability to think critically, learn and remember.

Many people wonder if these fancy new, trendy items are helpful for kids with sensory processing disorders. These socks come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and are designed for many levels of impairment. For example, there are some sensory processing disorders that are not helped by normal body socks, like low sensation thresholds or increased pain sensitivity. A sensory sock will only increase the child’s happiness and self-esteem. In fact, most doctors encourage parents to give their child sensory sock socks when they are having a sleep disorder, because it makes the child feel more secure and well-loved.

So, why give your child a sensory sock? Parents should know that this is a great tool for helping to improve the development of young children who have sensory processing disorders. It is also a great tool to help parents understand how their children process information and how they can benefit from regular stimulation. As a parent, you will feel more connected to your little one, which is a tremendous boost to your parenting. You will also be contributing something that can help save the life of someone else.
