Weird Japanese Fashion Trends


In this article we are going to talk about some of the weird Japanese fashion trends from Japan and how you can incorporate them into your wardrobe. Let’s start with a few basics. While the traditional Japanese dress code is kimono, there are many variations to it. Traditionally, the kimono is always plain white but more fashion-savvy Japans are dressing their tops and bottoms in bright colors and adding a small bit of bling. For simplicity, the dress code is still the same, however.

Japan Fashion Trend: Anime Memes The anime and manga culture are starting to really take off here in Japan, and one of the new trends in Japan has been to dress like a character from anime. From T-shirts to jackets to even pants to the famous cosplay (costume play) outfits, you can now find every type of Japanese costume out there. The most famous of these is probably the sushi girl, complete with sushi rolls and fingerless gloves. This is one of the biggest new Japanese fashions out at the moment, and many individuals have picked it up as a new fashion trend as well. It might be worth getting yourself a sushi shirt or two for the fall!

Now, let’s talk about some of the other Japanese weird Japanese fashion trends. If you are a girl and you want to look super sexy and elegant, there are two ways to do it. The first is with an apron or kimono skirt, and the second is with the ever-popular mini skirts. Now I’m not saying that you have to dress like a character from an anime movie to look hot and bothered, but the mini skirt has definitely gotten a lot of popularity. It’s a very easy and quick way to bring some sex appeal and some class to your basic black and white kimono.
