Weird Fashion Trends


Weird Fashion Trends

Strange fashion trends can be a real bummer for any man. What trends do you dislike? If it’s pants or sneakers, chances are you’re not going to like skinny jeans. If it’s sports bras or tank tops, then you’re probably not going to like tight T-shirts. But if it’s clothes in general, well, there’s really no trend that you can’t fall in love with.

Fashion isn’t a type of self Expression. When someone decides to look strange, it’s because they’ve found something that makes them feel different about who they are. If you hate what you’re wearing, you don’t necessarily just hate it for its concept alone, but because you feel differently about it. Everyone has their own sense of fashion that grows over the years, so when it comes down to strange, unnatural, or even sad fashion trends, nearly everyone has fallen victim to at least one at some point in their life. Dresses with plunging necklines have been around forever, but now a plunging neckline can be edgy and fun, a twist that wasn’t that obvious just five years ago.

Jeans were always considered workwear, but now we’re seeing more ladies (and men) wearing dressy jeans. The days of wearing them in the trash before taking off for work are gone, but the lines have still remained. And now, you see women and men wearing these jeans not only in the trash but also to work, so the look is totally appropriate. There are some strange fashion trends that come and go from year to year, but no trend is really “off-limits.” For example, riding boots have always been thought of as “in” for black women, but this year, we’ve seen people (especially young girls) riding boots with spaghetti straps and short skirts.
