Wedding Tips – How Do I Know If My Partner Is Taller Or Longer?


After leaving Brooklyn, actress/comedian Adriana Schaps and her actor husband, casting director Tyler Dizik, planned to spend part of their week in Miami, Florida. It was such an incredible experience, since when you first go on vacation with your spouse, usually you are all right in your own zone. But when you are going through a cold pandemic and you are with your spouse day after day for over four months, it’s almost impossible to be on your optimum behavior. That is why Adriana and Tyler needed to make some adjustments to their relationship to make it through this period of time.

The biggest adjustment Adriana and Tyler made was their height difference. Adriana was shorter than her partner by several inches, which had the effect of making them look like they were about to break up. Even though they knew that it was going to come to a point where they would have to adjust their appearance, they didn’t expect that it would be a point where their relationship would end. But once they both started seeing each other objectively and saw how much their physical appearance was affecting the other person, they knew that the height difference was going to have to go. Because of this adjustment, the height difference between Adriana and Tyler was so big that when Adriana and Tyler saw each other, they instantly knew that they were supposed to be married.

But even though the height difference might have been the most obvious aspect of the adjustment, it was not the only aspect which affected the couple. Their differences in opinions and beliefs also contributed to the decision to get married. Adriana was raised as a conservative Catholic, while Tyler was raised in a Christian home. This, in turn, meant that the two had different views on things such as religion and sexuality. Because of these differences, their adjustment period was quite trying for both partners, but they persevered and in the end made a lifelong commitment to each other.
