Was Romance the Only Purpose For the Marriage of Francisca Florentina?


In 2003, I read an article in which the author explained that she had identified three elements that defined a good marriage: compatibility, intimacy and personality. She then went on to explain that each of these elements was related to personality types such as Dominance, Influence, and Compliance. I have always thought that being compatible with one’s partner and loving them deeply was a very important component of any marriage. As a matter of fact, many marriages do not last because the spouses cannot live together. However, in the case of Frisca Florentina, her death and the death of her husband contributed to the dissolution of their marriage.

Based on my knowledge, I believe that Frisca Florentina would have been very pleased that her marriage with her husband did not last. However, her behavior towards her husband after their separation illustrated very poorly how she felt about her marriage. In one instance, she actually said that the separation was the end of their marriage. When I read this, I wondered how long she had been seeing Jesus since the death of her brother, Joseph. It would seem that she was only seeing Jesus on a temporary basis and that she would only feel the love for him when the time was right to do so.

Another example of her complaining that they were not happy was when she said that they could not stand one another during the night. When I read this, I could not help but think that she really never wanted to marry Frido. This would make sense because there are very few men that she would prefer to have sexual intercourse with, unless of course, when he was in a position to impregnate her. There is no question that both Frido and Francisca were lovers, however their marriage did not end with a full commitment from either one of them.
