Was Nationality A Factor In Caroline Boujardโ€™s Love Life?


Caroline Boujard was born in France, where her family had been from the region of Burgundy. It is said that the young Carol was so taken by the beauty of the countryside that she would carve her name on all of the walls in her house, even though this was against the law at the time. Her natural passion for art and painting has led to a successful career which has seen her portrayed in films, TV programmes and books; and it is clear from the many awards she has won over the years that this is certainly a talent which has not been left behind. Her Nationality also plays a major part in the way in which her career is progressed. She is married to a British national and has two children; both of whom are of British nationality.

The first of these children is actually her son who was born in Paris, but as a family she decided to live in the countryside in order to be closer to her lover. This has led to speculation that her romantic relationship with a French national may have influenced her decision to keep her nationality private. It could be that her husband took this view and the couple remained loyal to each other throughout their marriage and their romantic ties survived throughout the World War Two years when it was still illegal to talk about nationalities in Britain. Although it may have been an influence on her decision to remain loyal to her husband, there is no evidence to prove this.

As she pursued a career in the creative world, it is possible that her Nationality influenced her choice of occupation. If she had been born in France, she may well have chosen a different profession, such as writing or drawing. It is not impossible for women born in France to work in the arts; in fact some of the greatest painters of the modern era were born in France. However, it is more likely that Caroline Boujardโ€™s Nationality influenced her choice of a subject or profession, because if she had chosen to study painting, it would have been very difficult for her to move to Britain where a different vocabulary and different culture would have been necessary to communicate with her English partner.
