Was Juliana Gilaberte A Spouse Of dubious Nationality Or Just a Spouse Who Shared a Passion For Height?


The first mention of Juliana Gilaberte’s Height seems to be in her novel “The Bride From La Rioja”. In this novel, she seems to have reached the age of majority. She married a man in her late thirties in Argentina and seemed to enjoy the kind of lifestyle that the Spanish people embraced. But was her life all a dream? In all seriousness, was she merely projecting an image of what might have been for her had she been of a normal height as opposed to 5 ft 7 in?

There is one detail in “The Bride From La Rioja” that is peculiarly interesting in view of Gilaberte’s height and marital situation. Gilaberte and her husband lived near the coast, a place close to the US border. There were times that they actually traveled to the States. But where did these trips take them? And how did Gilaberte manage to maintain a career as a writer while she supported her family and looked after their daughter?

It is clear from “The Bride From La Rioja” that Gilaberte’s interest in height did not begin or end with growing older. She repeatedly tells her story of her early years in Argentina and how the society there responded to her status as a young woman of nationality. It is also evident that even at the time of her marriage to a Buenos Aires banker she still considered herself much more of an Argentine than an American. It is clear from reading “The Bride From La Rioja” that Gilaberte retained an attitude toward nationality and age that would continue throughout her life. If there are nuggets of truth in the tale of her marriage and her later life, it is this commitment to a lifelong passion that makes “The Bride From La Rioja” an enjoyable read for anyone who has delved into the world of mystery and romance.
