Was Francisca Joias the First Dominican Queen?


Like other members of the friar community, Francisca Joias was consecrated to the Order of the Hospital of Santa Croce in the year 11th century. This is the community’s oldest religious order and also one of the most respected religious orders in the entire world today. It is founded by Ignatius Loyola, a Portuguese explorer and alchemist who is also the father of the Roman Catholic Church.

When it comes to the personal life of Joias, her family said that she enjoyed great success in her career as a physician before her death at the age of 96. However, many in her community believe that the real Francisca enjoyed a more public role than any of her predecessors. She served as an archivist, teacher, priestess and later, Queen Consolada. One speculation is that this is the reason why Francisca kept a diary that has been preserved by her family until today.

After her marriage to the archduke of Burgundy, Joanna was consecrated a cardinal and invested with the title of countess of the district of Fes and was given the title of Duchess of Burgundy. Having served in the church and the government, Joanna became very well known throughout Europe and it is said that her beauty and charisma even won the affections of the English King Henry II. This legend says that the king offered her the kingdom of Burgundy if she would marry him. This is the reason why she accepted the offer and later on went on to marry the archduke of Burgundy. There were no records to prove the story but the legend still lives on and it is known that the two became great friends. From this point on, Joanna became known as the lover and confidante of Henry II and this is the reason why the king often referred to her as his queen.
