Vetement Socks Lyrics


My Vetement Socks Lyrically It strikes me that Vetement socks have taken on a life of their own over the past few years. I am not quite sure what I did to make them go from being a sock that I would pick up on a whim to the fun fashion wear that I have come to think of them as. I do know one thing though, I have become addicted. In fact, I keep five pairs in my closet. I take them with me when I go out, I wear them while I sleep, and I even wear them while I’m gardening. With such a large selection of Vetements to choose from you can definitely find the perfect pair for your sense of style!

But the most important thing about vetement socks lyrics is this: whether you are going to be the only person wearing them or you’re going to have your entire closet smelling like they walked out of the hit song, this sock will make you go “wheez.” Whether you are a guy or a girl, you can’t help but notice the socks. It’s not just that they are so cute and stylish, it’s also because of the crazy lyrics. Everyone has a hard time figuring out who is behind this or who is just having a bad day.

You may be a man, but I seriously doubt you are keeping up with all of the new “keep me warm” styles. I mean, really who doesn’t want to wake up tomorrow morning in the middle of the winter with the ability to wear long sleeved or short sleeved winter pants and a t-shirt? You don’t have to wake up with the feeling that you need to run that back, either. You can still get that morning jog or brisk walk in whatever layering you choose. All you need is to have the ability to slip into a pair of element socks lyrics anytime.
