Veronica Abdallah


Veronica Abdallah, who has lived in the neighborhood for more than eight years, remembers her neighborhood with fondness. “It used to have some old Victorian houses,” she said. “There’s lots of houses still there. I’ve been in this neighborhood my whole life. I grew up in it with my parents.”

Abdallah’s son Adam was recently hospitalized in a coma. “He was fighting for his life,” she explained, choking back tears. “But he’s now resting in the hospital, too.”

The neighborhood has been the home of hundreds and, to many, an all-time favorite spot for neighborhood kids. One neighbor told TheBlaze that many teens gather around the local grocery store in the evenings during the summer. Many of the residents are also retirees, and their homes are typically a few doors down from the convenience store and the school.

The neighborhood has become a home. “People are happy here,” one resident said.

TheBlaze also contacted the police department in the district where the shooting took place, and we’re still waiting to hear back.


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Veronica Abdallah

Location: London , United Kingdom
Company: Kroger
