Valentina Oficial, Nationality, Dentist


Valentina Oficial is a Nationality from Belize. According to The Inter-American Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (IBLT) National Study of Sexual Health and Behavior, she is a 30-year-old woman who was born in Belize. She is a member of the Gay community but says that she does not consider her identity as such. She has said that she was harassed when she went to visit her gay lover in Houston. She says that two men accosted her and told her that she was a lesbian. Her assailant was older than her and was in his mid-thirties.

Valentina Oficial has been studying her height difference, which she says makes her look shorter than other people by several inches. She also claims to have tried wearing short skirts to conceal her true height but these did not work. Her solution for this problem was to get surgery to increase the height by up to six inches. The surgery, she states, went well and it has given her new confidence. She now plans to marry a man half her age and is taking care of their small children as a single parent. She is very happy with her new identity as a settled woman and her partner’s accepting her.

Her height difference was probably one of the reasons that motivated her to take up a career in dentistry as she did not want to be a sex symbol on her death bed. She chose a career in dentistry because it is a profession that is hard to become involved in but rewarding in the end. As she attains more skills in this field it will be easier for her to use her height advantage and maybe one day help other people like her who are born with such a difference in height. Maybe next time someone comes to you with a dental problem, instead of saying “how are you?”
