Valentina Dainelli, Height and Nationality


Valentina Dainelli is the perfect example of beauty and intelligence in person. She has height, an attractive body, dark hair, blue eyes, a flawless complexion, great skin tone, and a voluptuous figure. People who know her say that she possesses many positive qualities that could help them become their partner or spouse since she has been successful in getting herself involved in multiple relationships. This is one of the main reasons why Valentina Dainelli chooses to be a reality personality on a popular Italian program called La Gazza. It is rare to hear people like Valentina, who are both attractive and intelligent, put in advertisements like this one where they display their physical attributes.

But if you look at what Valentina Dainelli has been saying about her career and what she is currently involved with, it is evident that she is not only saying these things to promote her own image, but is trying to project a good image of herself into the viewers of the commercial who will see the commercial while browsing the internet or watching a television on a late night. If people can project themselves well enough on the internet and in advertisements, then we can easily judge the character and talents of another person or a company. Valentina Dainelli seems to be doing this very well, even though she is married to an American citizen and has had several children with him. Her image as a successful and stable professional woman has been portrayed by the images of her partners and spouses which she has displayed in advertisements, thus making many people conclude that she is the right person to portray for a relationship.

When people choose to view her images, they see an attractive and successful woman, with an international background and a height which would make people think she is Italian. In fact, Valentina Dainelli is not actually Italian but Italian in the eyes of the public, since she uses Italian when she speaks. This is a problem, because people automatically assume that someone who uses Italian when speaking is Italian. Valentina, who is not really Italian but Italian in the public’s eyes, would be much better off not to use any term other than “holoni” which means “Italian”.
