Valentina Alexeeva & Her Quest to Increase Her Height


Valentina Alexeevna was known as the “Red Queen” of the Russian army because of her exceptional physical characteristics, which made her a rarefied beauty among the people who ruled at that time. She was a trusted leader and tactician, which endeared her to the soldiers and they looked up to her for guidance. She always kept them informed about the condition of the enemy, so they could use their imagination for battle. This Queen was also a talented writer, which she used to amuse her lover with tales. However, Alexeevna’s real talent lay in the area of height and body.

At the age of eighteen, Valentina Alexeeva started working for an architect in St Petersburg. Unfortunately, this position did not offer any scope for growth or height, which is a very common thing for women in that age. She soon left this job to study ballet, which was also very popular at that time. This was not a good opportunity for increasing her height, as ballet exercises are very hard on the bones. It was obvious that Valentina Alexeeva had to increase her height or face physical complications in the future.

When Alexeeva reached the age of twenty-one, her professional life was over and she began studying for an exam for a bar examination, which required both physical and mental capabilities. These tests resulted in a negative report, which prevented Alexeeva from going for a career as a ballet dancer. However, this did not stop her from studying dancing, which is a form of profession which demands tremendous patience and endurance. The next best thing that came into her mind was to join the ranks of the Russian Royal Family, which is one of the most prestigious family branches in all of Russia.
