Unisex Fashion Trend? Or Just Fashion?


Gender-free or genderless fashion trend describes a fashion style where the clothes of a person don’t directly point to their gender. However, there are some rules to follow when deciding between gendered and genderless fashion. If you feel like you’re walking around with a luggage tag saying “It’s only a dress” without a hint of whether it’s for women or men, then you’re probably walking around with some male friends. On the other hand, if your clothes point to gender, it may be because you’re trying to project an image that is genderless.

A few years ago this fashion had its heyday on the high street in the United Kingdom, but it fizzled out rather quickly due to people’s inability to understand its concept. Some people wear unisex clothing just because they can, but others wear it because they feel uncomfortable with the gender options that exist in the fashion industry. This is why it’s hard to get people to buy unisex clothes on the high street: people just don’t have the ability to tell the difference between tenderness and gender neutral clothes.

This article will help explain the difference between a trend that are inclusively genderless and one that is both tenderness and inclusive. It’ll also explain why it’s hard for people to decide between gendered fashion and just dressing in neutral. Finally, I’ll briefly discuss why it is still fashionable to wear unisex clothing even if you want to look and feel neutral. When people want to try out a new trend, they’ll go for it no matter what it looks like on them, even if they’re wearing a dress made entirely from neutral colours. Fashion trends are all about being fashionable while taking the time to look good: if you’re wearing a baggy jumper in the summer but a stylish clutch in the winter then you’re doing it because you think it looks cool, not because it actually is cool (because it’s baggy). Gender neutral fashion is the same way: you don’t need to choose between gendering and non wondering because it’s irrelevant – it’s about being fashionable.
