Unique Career & Age


Valentina Officiel was born in Southern France. At a very young age, her family relocated to the Spanish speaking region of Guandong. The move helped Valentina grow up with two different cultures. As a result, Valentina’s interests translated very well into her singing career. From a very young age, she enjoyed singing competitions both on and off stage both locally and internationally.

As a teenager, she developed her unique singing talent, which would make her stand out from the other hopeful contestants for a position in the recording studio. In her early years, as a talented singer/songwriter, she would express her own opinions about different topics, such as political and social conflicts in her home country. Today, her focus has broadened into a more global perspective with her participation in various musical projects and the creation of her own musical group, Kids United Nouvelle Génovation. She has also released several solo songs and albums since then.

Throughout her career, Valentina Officiel has gained a large following not only in Europe but in many other parts of the world including Australia, Canada, the United States, South Africa and Japan. For this reason, she continues to be sought out by many casting agencies. Her numerous roles in films and TV shows have consistently demonstrated how versatile a performer she is. Her wide range of talents and accomplishments would attest to the fact that she is definitely not just a classic singer/songwriter; she is definitely talented in all aspects of the recording business.
