Understanding Pop Music and Fashion Trends


Pop music and fashion are a match made in heaven. The styles, themes, and characters of both music are very much alike, so much so that some of the most popular and influential music of all time can be considered pop music and fashion. Not only do the styles match but often times the actors and actresses who portray the same roles also have very similar facial structures, wearing outfits very similar to those portrayed by their costars. And this is just the start of what makes pop music and fashion so similar; such a rich, wide, and varied history has it ingrained into our culture.

One of the most obvious pop music and fashion trends is the massive amount of attention that celebrities are getting, whether they are positive or negative. Pop stars like Britney Spears, Madonna, and whoever you want to believe are getting most of the attention and adoration from the general public because they are an idealized version of beauty and success. But more importantly, these celebrities provide a mirror for the public by challenging them to be just as successful, if not more. Celebrities are literally rubbing elbows with the very people they promote and make fun of, all in the name of fun and entertainment. Celebrities not only promote pop music and fashion trends, but they help keep the youth of today focused on the things that will allow them to reach their full potential and realize their dreams.

These are just two examples of how pop music and fashion trends are intertwined to help influence the youth, keep them happy, and motivated. If you have never been a fan of pop music or have no idea what it’s all about, pop music and fashion trends are definitely for you. Whether you’re young and hip or old and cranky, pop music and fashion trends are for everyone, and will hopefully continue for many years to come.
