Ugly Fashion Trends


The ugly and hideous fashion trends of the past two decades are back in a big way, and more than ever before. We have a new president in the White House; however, if you don’t believe me, ask some people who are not in politics, which candidate they supported for their President of the United States. What do you think they would say, after telling you that they “really liked” the way that candidate did during the election process? Exactly!

We are seeing these horrible fashion trends in our society because we have allowed ourselves to become a society of fat-phobic, self-important, and clothing-focused people. Not only has America lost its respect for itself and its leadership, but the people who run this country no longer care about anyone except themselves and those thin people with the perfect bodies. If the fashion trends are any reflection of how much they care about us, well, I’d be surprised if they didn’t care at all; especially now that they are in power. It is amazing what happens when you least expect it. Fashion is one of the few industries that can be blamed solely on the consumers themselves; as we are bombarded by ads and marketing strategies every single day telling us that we must only wear X amount of clothes, or we will die ugly, or if we want our bodies to look thin we must eat only yummy foods that have low carbohydrates.

There is a reason why people go into magazines thinking about what they are going to wear the next day, and it has nothing to do with being beautiful, although that certainly helps. It has everything to do with how much money they have to spend, and even if the fashion world were completely controlled by those who actually make the products, there wouldn’t be much left. Fashion trends are the products of capitalism, where profits are the only goal and everyone knows it. These companies are making billions of dollars a year, and they have no problems giving the public everything that they want in order to keep their business. The Ugly Fashion Trends of yesteryear is being swept away and replaced with Ugly Fashion Trends of Yesteryear.
