Ugly Fashion Trends 2021


In this piece I will show you how to destroy ugly fashion trends, and take back control of your own body. The number one problem that women have with their bodies is that they are totally out of balance, there is too much weight on certain areas, and other areas are flabby and saggy. To illustrate what I mean I will use a fashion example; if you were to take the top off a womanโ€™s dress, you would immediately see how much more slim and thin the top was. This applies to both men and women of all shapes and sizes.

Now then, letโ€™s say for argument sake that you were to redesign a womanโ€™s clothing and make it more proportional to her body size. What sort of trends would you be able to see? What about if you took some fatter women and put them in skinny jeans and cut the seat of the pants, thus making it look longer, or put some curvy women in boot cuts and make their legs look longer? Or what about putting a very large pregnant woman in high leg boots and having her legs look shorter? These are just a few examples of what can be done with fashion to give you the results that you want.

You see, the thing about fashion trends is that they are just that, fashion trends, they are nothing more than fashion applied to the human body. So you see, you do not have to suffer from an obesity problem to look better, and neither do you have to be morbidly overweight to have great figures. You do not have to be out of shape to wear clothing that will make your butt look smaller, or larger, or longer. You do not even have to have curves to wear sexy lingerie that will help tease those bulges out of sight. Thanks to our wonderful fashion designers this is easier than ever before.
