Two At A Time Socks


Two At A Time Socks

Two At A Time Socks is a very special project initiated by the famous fashion designer Christian Dior, who has won many prestigious awards for his designs. It s so beautiful, charming, and all along perfect for the occasion you will wear it on. However there is always the other one to take. So really get two socks of the same colour together. In fact, if you are thinking of a unique gift for two at Christmas this would be a great idea, just mix up the socks by having a different style of coloured sock on each individual sock.

Two At A Time Socks is an easy to learn project for the beginner and with a lot of interest, even if you have never made socks before it s not that hard. It s made with the Fitting toe-box method, where you have to start with one sock and put two fingers in front of the other, so as to create a straight line between the two socks. With the help of two needles you can then create a back and forth motion between the two socks. Remember to only pass one needle through the fabric, as if you were trying to stitch a longer piece of fabric they can both come out twisted and this makes them look ugly. The two-needle technique is actually very simple and does not require any sewing skills.

Now that you know how to sew a sock, the first thing you need to do is to pick a ball of wool or cotton and put this inside the sock. Then you take a sewing thread and put a small amount of glue on it, and then thread your sewing thread through the ball of wool or cotton. Next you take the needle and carefully draw a line down the inside of the ball, making sure that it goes straight up through the ball and into the cuff. Now take your two smaller balls of yarn and put them inside the cuff. Now with the needle you draw the two lines of the two balls together and now it’s ready to be sewed.
