Trends Spring/Summer 2021


Trends Spring/Summer 2021

There has been much discussion in the fashion press recently about whether or not there will be any significant fashion trends for summer 2021. This is after all, the prediction based solely on a cursory look at the current fashion trends and their potential impact on the fashion industry in general. Some fashion experts have expressed doubts that there will be any significant changes in the way in which men and women dress this season. This is primarily due to the fact that despite the different trends predicted, there is no real consensus as to why the current fashion trends will not have any impact on the future of men’s and women’s clothing styles.

However, those who agree that there will be a major change are adamant that it will be an exciting time for fashion lovers, with new designs and materials being introduced into the market. This comes at a time when more focus is being placed on how the next season will affect the fashion industry. Many of the predictions have pointed to the introduction of bolder colours and more dramatic outfits which will create a much more contemporary feel to the fashion trends for the summer. The spring/summer timeframe is traditionally a time when the fashion industry traditionally revises their styles to try to attract a younger audience, following the popularity of youth fashion which was largely responsible for the current generation of fashionable styles. With this being the focus of the next season it may well be that we see a greater number of younger people enjoying the fashionable styles that are currently enjoying plenty of coverage in the fashion press and online.

One of the most popular areas of debate is the colour trends that may emerge in the next season. Many experts have predicted that there will be a greater amount of dark colours becoming widely available, with many designers have already previewed their autumn/winter lines with dark coloured clothes. These include traditional black, navy and grey as well as more muted, interesting shades such as burgundy and charcoal. Whilst it is unlikely that every single colour will feature in the top trends that emerge over the next few months, the current trends are being widely discussed and the Pantone colour range is proving to be an important influence on future fashion designs.
