Trends in London Fashion Week2021


There is one fashion trend that is never ending in London Fashion Week. I am talking about the all too popular “Goth” fashion. Fashion is always changing but London Fashion Week allows the fashion conscious Londoners to show off their latest fashion statements and take the lime light with it. This year we have seen a rise in the amount of “Goth” style clothing stores popping up all across London. The most popular being London Fashion Week London’s own flagship store “Tories” which has added a punk rock twist to its style of offering what the traditional high street stores are not offering.

There has also been many other stores which have added their own takes on traditional London fashion trends. These include labels such as “Chicks” who have brought back the glamour style of the 80’s and “EDC London” who bring back the edgy and cool aspects of many British brands. One label which has only recently started selling fashion items outside London is “EDC London”, they have thus far concentrated their efforts on offering great quality urbanwear at an affordable price, this is great news for many Londoners who have struggled to find designer brands outside London that offer quality products at a fair price.

The only thing left for these London fashion trends to achieve is to saturate the city with their fashions and to make themselves as famous as any pop group or international superstar. Some fashion experts predict that we may see some more celebrities walking the streets in London bearing the “Goth” fashion of these London Fashion Week trends. Maybe then we could start to see the end of the year… !
