Trends From the Autumn 2021 Fashion Show


Fashion London had a very busy Autumnalon this year with many major name brand launches taking place. The most notable of these was Prada, who released their new range of handbags and their Autumn 2021 fashion trends were a big hit. This really is high profile and usually one of the first brands to be seen with fashion releases, after all they have a great reputation. The fashion stakes are high at this point in time with the world looking for ways to beat the bank whilst staying fashionable. It seems that the autumn/winter months which usually see high sales is now following a new trend where fashion is not dictated by the seasons. So if you are wondering where to keep your wool socks, scarf, or coat this winter then this may be the season for you to step out with style.

This fashion is influenced by street culture and also includes elements of pop culture into its design. As you can imagine the two main influences of this fashion is celebrities and music. This autumn we have seen many celebrities to grace the red carpet whilst at the same time pulling on a few eye catching silk scarves. The trend towards wearing colours such as red and black has spread to the fashion industry with many labels creating their own range of colour block prints.

So what should you be looking out for when you are out and about in autumn? For me there are two elements that always stand out when I am out and about. The first is the strong sense of fun and lightness that is felt in the air, the light and happy nature of it all. The second is the slightly bitter taste that autumn leaves. With so much about death and the environment in autumn there is something wonderfully comforting about the change in the weather and the crisp autumn winds.
