Trending 21st Century Fashion


What Trending 21st Century Fashion is all about is really the question that everybody asks. Everybody from fashion experts to fashion lovers ask this question all the time: what are the trends of the 21st century? This question has been on everybody’s lips ever since the fashion world started changing in the early sixties. The major change that took place was the introduction of high-end fashion concepts such as monogramming, embroidery, and patent leather to name a few. These concepts were extremely popular among the elite fashion elite back then and remained so even in the eighties when the fashion for something “high-fashionable” returned and this time it belonged not to the rich and famous but to middle class people who could afford expensive designer clothes.

Since then the term “trending” has become synonymous with something that stays on top. This definition has nothing to do with the actual trend that happens in the fashion world. Trends patterns set in motion by the forces of nature and by cultural norms. They are only that, trends. And like all trends they tend to go through cycles, which are usually long periods of in which they are in effect but then again in which they can be reversed quite easily.

So, if we are to define Trending 21st century fashion then it would be best if we take this word in its literal sense; that is, what we mean by it is what is currently happening in the fashion industry, which is already considered as being one of the most dynamic industries in the entire world. The reason why this field is dynamic is because of the numerous changes that happen almost weekly, month after month, and year after year. Trending means that these changes have been going on for quite some time and that therefore trends tend to be recurring phenomena that usually last several years before coming to an end.
