Trend Forecasting Book


Trend Forecasting Book

Fashion trend forecasting is a worldwide career which concentrates on forecasting the new trends in fashion. Fashion trend forecaster analyzes the designs, styles, colors, patterns, materials, adhesives, textures, and other aspects of fashion that are set to be introduced in the market and will be shown on the runway throughout the season and at different outlets. As fashion trend is always changing, so are the fashion forecasts. Fashion experts who are involved in fashion trend forecasting make sure they are completely accurate so as not to waste money on non-existent fashion trends.

Short-term Forecasting: The purpose of short-term forecasting is to analyze the fashion trends for a limited time frame like one month. Trends come and go in a month; if you invest in something, it might not be in trend in a month or two months. So in order to keep yourself up to date, you need to pay attention to these trends more often. Short-term fashion trends may be related to accessories like belts, bags, shoes and so forth. But they have an immense impact on dressing. For instance, if there is an upcoming season when it is expected to be more sophisticated, then your clothes would need to be more stylish and elegant.

Long-term Fashion Trends: The main aim of long-term fashion trends is to analyze the fashion trends over a period of time like one year or more. This kind of analysis is very tedious as it takes a lot of time to go through all the fashion offerings from each season. Fashion consultants can help you do this job for you; they analyze all the trends and give you a report with their findings. They will also help you make your own fashion decisions, based on their findings. It would be wise to follow the trends suggested by them, as it gives us an insight into what is new in the market and what will be in fashion in the coming years.
